About Conference

The G20 health summit is slated to take place in France on November 13–14, 2023. It is an exceptional opportunity to discuss problems in global healthcare with leaders and experts from both the public and private sectors around the world. The theme of this year's topic is “Making Affordable and Accessible Health,” and will be on the importance of collaboration and innovation in ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare. This conference, which will feature representatives from every G20 country, will be a key platform for discussing how we can work together to improve healthcare systems around the globe. The goal of this event is to find cutting-edge solutions that businesses and governments can both employ to improve access to and affordability of healthcare for all people.

Who should attend:

An excellent chance to connect with colleagues in academics and business:

  • Researchers and innovators in the sector from both academia and industry, as well as all stakeholders
  • Experts Searching for Collaboration
  • Product Creators
  • Solution Inventors
  • Sales and marketing experts
  • Groups, Societies, and Professional Organisations
  • Funding Institutions and Fund Raisers
  • Management Organisations Decision-Making

Why to attend:

To acquire an advantage over competitors, be the first to present your research, innovations, and brand. Explore your product and services with your target market.

  • Meeting with experts
  • A New Environment for Learning
  • New Techniques
  • Certification
  • Worldwide networking
  • Re-establish brand recognition and a new customer base
Organizing Panel Members